The GraphQL updateUser fields status update
The following new fields were added to the updateUser mutation in release 526 in Preview status:
- idpId—The unique identifier of the external identity provider that the user is associated with.
- username—The username for the user (typically the user email).
The following new fields were added to the User and Account objects, in release 531 also in Preview status:
User object fields
- homePhone
- workPhone
- mobilePhone
- secondaryEmailAddresses
- customAttributes
Account object fields
- contactAddress
- website
- defaultRole
- contactPhoneNumber
- contactEmailAddress
- customAttributes
These fields are now considered to be in General Availability status (GA).
For more information about Preview status, see the GraphQL API policy.
Feature enablement
No feature enablement is required.
Setting enablement
No setting enablement required.
The reference documentation will be updated with a future release.
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